September 08, 2012

To Combat Corruption Shared Parenting Law Needed

Shared parenting law is needed in Kentucky. What is Shared parenting? This effort of the last ten years puts a spotlight the corruption that has crept into to a process. we all believe these courts were operating for the protection of the peoples rights coming before it. But investigations have revealed a long history of exploitation, extortion, racketeering, and ransom by family courts in Kentucky.

Shared parenting is an effort to solemnize the inherent right of both parents to be equally in their children's lives after divorce; and stop exploitation of people being professionally taken advantage of.

A bill needs to be filed in the general assembly that will move toward the presumption of shared parenting from the onset on all dissolution of marriage cases.

It's happening everywhere - this is a war on fathers, and broken families are the collateral.

The Hidden Tyranny of Family Courts

Even citizens attempting to use the law to deter egregious misconduct are being obstructed. 

The General Assembly needs to step up and bring Shared Parenting Law to pass in Kentucky

July 21, 2012

Kentucky Tea Party Rally Exposes Family Court Injustices

Tea Party activists have turned their sights on yet more waste, fraud, and abuse of the public trust by actors of state government. A rally took place in Lexington Kentucky at 120 N. Limestone outside the Fayette Family Courthouse. Activists were drawing attention to the problems of what is claimed to be (well documented and known) widespread waste, fraud, and abuse of power in family courts.

Judges are acting with official misconduct in violation of the Kentucky Bill of Rights Sec. 2.  disrespecting and violating the rights of parents and their children, among other things. They are appointing friends of the court into cases, guardian ad litem's, and more into cases, fabricating made up reasons to force parents into "supervised" visitation schemes, all concocted to ensnare and extort further money from the parent(s). A racketeering operation of epic appearances.

Corruption is BAD in Kentucky state government, sometimes it seems, and family courts are heard upon as a worse part. The legislative branch of state government has been receiving hundred's of complaints the last 2 years, petitions from citizens, and petitions to impeach the malfeasant state actors. The Kentucky general assembly has continued to turn a blind eye. The corruption of the family court has also corrupted the general assembly, to deny Kentuckians their right to impeach these despots. That being said, a lawless gang have we?, and We The People have the right to self defense from a lawless gang, and to arrest it, and to restore our republic form of state government that we have not had since 1976.

County court watchers have documented and compiled enough evidence to prove that it is an unaccountable and out of control burden upon all Kentuckians. It will be stopped... either by the law, or by the people. If no Redress, then what?
Something to say, share?

April 10, 2012


A citizen petition to impeach a family court judge, filed with the Ky House of Representatives Clerk on January 24, 2012, and read into the record by the reading clerk has been and about to be denied any process before any committee. From here where the petition went know one really knows for sure. The petitioner said he was informed it had been assigned to the House Judiciary Committee. Calls to the Judiciary Committee were met with "it would not be on the agendas." That was in the first week of February.  As each week rolled by and the petitioner was given no opportinnity to begin to present the case for impeachment, the calls requesting such were eventually not returned. This was going into March. 

It is now April 10 and the session ends in 2 days. Petitioner has claimed that House Speaker Greg Stumbo, and Judiciary Chair John Tilley have conspired to deny the petitioner the right to redress this grienvamce, be heard, make a record, and get a determination of cause, or not, for impeachment. This violated the oath of office and even makes them complcit to the causes outlined as ground for impeachment in the petiton. It's also highly questionable that lawyer members in the lead postitions of the house are acting to cover-up a petition to impeach a family court judge.  Jack Conway's office will not investigate.

State Media has been silent giving no coverage to even mentioning the petition filing. People across Kentucky involved in Tea Party activism are scratching their heads and wondering just what kind of government they have in Frankfort? Any person in Kentucky by right and law may file a petition for Impeachment, and has further right to a process and a meaningful opportunity to make their case.

The petitioner has stated there is real concern that he could be retaliated against. No one should let the injustice of denying a right expressed in the law, to Petition for Redress of grievance, pass quietly. A protected 1st amendment right.

UPDATE: LAWSUIT FILED:!/2013/02/beshear-and-stumbo-sued-for-deprivation.html

February 25, 2012


Is Greg Stumbo covering up on an impeachment petition?

On January 24 2012, HI1 - House Impeachment 1, was filed with the clerk of the Kentucky House of representatives. The petition was read into the record under "motions, petitions, and communications" then delivered to the committee on committees. From the beginning, the petition as written on the face of the document directed "to creat an impeachment committee." A house staff member, Scott Jones, informed the Petitioner that it would be assigned to the judiciary committee. The petitioner informed them that was an error, and should have an independent impeachment committee created.

The right to the process is secured in the Kentucky Constitution, Section 1.6, KRS 63.030, and the historical precendent is established in Legislative Research Commission Report 176 - Impeachment in Kentucky. It is additionally affirmed upon the American Judicature Society website - removal of judges in the 50 states section, here.
Kentucky judges may be removed in one of two ways:
  • After notice and hearing, the judicial conduct commission may admonish, reprimand, censure, suspend, retire, or remove a judge. The commission's decisions are subject to review by the supreme court.
  • Judges may be impeached by the house of representatives and convicted by a two-thirds vote of the senate.
Greg Stumbo's office has been contacted repeatedly since the petition was filed, and Judiciary Chair John Tilley as well. Both have had their staff tell the petitioner they were "working on it". Requests for the proper impeachment committee be created have never been met. Both representatives now appear to be obstructing access to a proper inquiry committee. Greg Stumbo was on the 1991 Impeachment Inquiry Committee.

Kentucky's citizens should know that obstruction to access a fair and proper process as the law allows violates everyones right. It is the law. Greg Stumbo is declaring himself a dictator.

Voice your concerns about the obstruction to access a process by calling the legislative hotline at - 1-800-372-7181- and leave a message for House Speaker Stumbo, and your Rep., to give House Impeachment Petition - (1)  Due Process!