November 03, 2009

Family Court Judge Suspended 45 days

Tuesday, Nov. 03, 2009Comments (19) Recommend (14)
Family court judge suspended for 45 days on misconduct charges By Shawntaye Hopkins -

FRANKFORT — A Central Kentucky family court judge accused of judicial misconduct has been suspended for 45 days without pay and publicly reprimanded.

The Judicial Conduct Commission, the state's judicial oversight body, ruled that Judge Tamra Gormley, whose district covers Scott, Woodford and Bourbon counties, inappropriately handled two cases: a domestic violence hearing in Scott County and a child custody hearing in Woodford County.
A third count against Gormley, which stemmed from a child custody case in Scott County, was dismissed because the commission said the charge was not proven by clear and convincing evidence.

Tamra Gormley is facing three of seven charges in this week's trial.

Gormley's attorney, William Hoskins of Lexington, said he reviewed the order Monday and discussed it with Gormley. Hoskins said they appreciate the commission for dismissing one charge but respectfully disagree with the findings on the other charges.
Hoskins said they are contemplating an appeal.

The commission released its ruling Friday — nearly a month after Gormley's hearing. The commission, the only entity authorized to discipline a sitting Kentucky judge, had until Feb. 19 to render a decision.

The ruling says Gormley violated a man's due process rights in a Scott County case. The commission said she held a man in contempt without advance notice and without his attorney present. Gormley did not witness the actions outside the courtroom that led to the contempt charge.

The commission said that while "a court undoubtedly has the power to hold a person in contempt of court for actions outside the sensory perception of the judge" (as was true in this situation), it "may not exercise that power without holding a hearing that provides the person with advance notice of the contempt proceeding."

On the second count, the commission found that Gormley entered a change of custody order that removed a child from the custody of her father but denied the father the right to put on his own evidence. Gormley, the commission found, acted as an advocate for the mother in that case.
Gormley's actions "were not mere legal error," the ruling says. "A reasonably prudent and competent judge would conclude the conduct of Judge Gormley to be obviously and seriously wrong in all the circumstances of the cases."

Hoskins disagreed. The commission did not cite any Kentucky law that was violated, he said, and there were no independent witnesses who testified against Gormley during the hearing on the charges.

"We truly believe Judge Gormley applied the appropriate Kentucky law and did so in good faith," he said.

October 21, 2009


Thursday, Oct. 01, 2009Comments (25) Recommend (28)
Deliberations begin in judicial misconduct case
Commission's findings on judge could be issued in weeks
By Shawntaye Hopkins -

The state's Judicial Conduct Commission will begin deliberations Thursday in the case of a Central Kentucky family court judge accused of misconduct.
The commission, which is the only entity authorized to discipline a sitting Kentucky judge, has until Feb. 19 to render a decision in the case against Judge Tamra Gormley. Commission Chairman Stephen Wolnitzek told attorneys that the commission does not intend to take that long.
The commission's findings could come in two weeks at the earliest, Wolnitzek said. Possible penalties include public or private reprimand, suspension without pay or removal or retirement from office.

Tamra Gormley is facing three of seven charges in this week's trial. Gormley, a former assistant commonwealth's attorney in Fayette County who was appointed in 2007 to a district that covers Scott, Woodford and Bourbon counties, faces seven misconduct charges. Three of the charges were heard this week.

Gormley took the stand for about four hours as George Rabe, an lawyer hired by the commission, and Gormley's attorney, William Hoskins of Lexington, questioned her about decisions she made in family court.

One charge stems from an incident in which Gormley held a man in contempt for violating a domestic violence order and sentenced him to six months in jail. The man was in a hallway outside the courtroom when he confronted his wife and made her upset, witnesses later told Gormley in court. Also, a bailiff told Gormley the man had visited his wife the night before.

Gormley testified that she was permitted to hold the man in direct criminal contempt without a hearing as long as court was in recess or in session and the man was willfully violating a court order and disrupting court proceedings.

Gormley was also questioned about an emergency protective order she issued without a petition, and her actions in a custody case in Scott County in which the commission says she did not have jurisdiction.

Elkhart Superior Court Judge Evan Roberts testified Wednesday morning about his interactions with Gormley in the custody case.

Roberts said that a court in Indiana had continuing exclusive jurisdiction in the case, but a child custody hearing was held on Sept. 24, 2008, in Scott Family Court. A grandmother and her attorney were in Scott County. The child's mother and her attorney were in Indiana.
During the court proceeding, the Indiana court had audio, but no video, from Scott Family Court.
Roberts, who later received a copy of the video, said he was not aware of notes passed between Gormley and the grandmother. And, he said, Gormley appeared to favor one party.
Hoskins said Gormley did not act in bad faith and was not "grossly and persistently incompetent," which are standards he said are set by the Supreme Court and must be considered by the commission.

Rabe, in closing, asked the commission, "Why do we have laws ... if they're not followed?"
He restated disagreements with Gormley's decisions and her interpretations of laws and asked the commission to "take judicial notice of Kentucky Revised Statutes that are involved."

May 20, 2009

Help Defeat The Destruction of Parents and Children In Kentucky

Justice will only exist where those not affected by injustice are filled with the same indignation as those offended - Plato

Ky. Constitution - Section 2:

Absolute and arbitrary power over the lives, liberty and property of freemen exists nowhere in a republic, not even in the largest majority.

Since 2004 I have worked to expose and defeat this Human Trafficking Industry in Kentucky. It is Federally funded and subsidized. I think you will find the truth appalling. Decide for yourself.

CPS: the system cannot be trusted
Former Senator Nancy Schaefer exposes the Federally Funded - legal kidnapping- human trafficking in children by state agencies.

VIDEO: Alex Jones: CPS Involved In Child Trafficking Rings Explains Senator Schaefer
Does your representative (Chandler, McConnell) stay silent while children and families continue to be exploited to provide money to the state, or are they interested in making right and moral changes? Ask them!

CPS Involved In Child Trafficking Rings Explains Senator
Schafer 1 of 4 - Jones mentions the "Obama Youth Agenda"

CPS Involved In Child Trafficking Rings Explains Senator
Schafer 2 of 4 - Adoption and Safe Families Act 1974- Walter Mondale/Clinton expansion 1994 - Bonuses to states

CPS Involved In Child Trafficking Rings Explains Senator
Schafer 3 of 4

CPS Involved In Child Trafficking Rings Explains Senator
Schafer 4 of 4


We have had some success and the credit goes to many others besides myself
Child Protective System Investigation - Videos - WLKY Louisville - Thanks to John Boel

...and you may remember we had to go to court just to air our initial report after an attempt by the state to stop us from showing you what's going on... Rick Van Hoose - WLKY 32 Co-Anchor.

Abuse of power?
Social workers lied, falsified records - OIG report issued
From Archives: January 11, 2007

Increasing adoptions: A good idea gone wrong?

Almost 10 years ago, Congress passed a law that gives states bonuses if they can get children languishing in foster care adopted quickly. Some child welfare experts say those bonuses have put some children at risk.
But why would a state pressure welfare workers to force adoptions? One reason may be money. States can earn federal bonuses for keeping adoption numbers high, and in Kentucky workers can even get extra vacation.
“It was illegal what was happening,” Moore says. “And nobody was doing anything. What they did every year is they set a quota based on the previous year's number of adoptions.”
An NBC News computer analysis shows adoptions have risen dramatically nationwide — in Kentucky they've tripled in six years — while those federal bonuses have grown to more than $1 million.
But the number of kids returned to their parents has dropped sharply. States don't get bonuses for that.

Remove the Father

The Racket of Family Court Exposed


Love Big Oligarchy.

Talk about taking over the We The People Liberty Movement, our own Court of Justus' child indoctrination programs at work in our schools.
No Talk of the Ky. Constitution and the Ky Bill of Rights.

Commonwealth News Center Update

The following articles were found matching your subscription profile.New Press Releases:Six student teams to compete in state showcase for We the People: Project Citizen on May 19 in FrankfortURL :

Date: Friday, May 15, 2009
Issued By : Kentucky Court of Justice
Summary : Student teams from from five Kentucky middle schools and one elementary school will compete in the state showcase for We the People: Project Citizen. The winning entry will go to the national showcase for judging in July. Project Citizen is a hands-on, portfolio-based civic education program that promotes participation in local and state government by teaching students about the public policy process and encouraging civic involvement.

Same Hands...

16 in the Ky House. 10 In the Ky Senate. 1 In the Ky Governors chair.
On Office of General Counsel exists in every agency subdivision and broom closet of state government.

A lawyer is an officer of the court. It is a constitutional violation of separation of powers and nullifies checks and balances if they "infiltrate the legislative or executive branch" because they are of the "same hands." 

The US Constitution was specifically written to prevent any single "same hands" group from accumulating all powers of government, one particular group has succeeded in doing precisely that.

James Madison, author of the US Constitution, wrote :
"No political truth is certainly of greater intrinsic value or is stamped with the authority of more enlightened patrons of liberty than that ... the accumulation of all powers legislative, executive and judiciary in the same hands, whether of one, a few or many, and whether hereditary, self appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny."

For then the laws are made not to serve justice, but rather to serve the personal profit of those who make them.
However for many years now, all three branches of government and the powers they command to control all government, legislative, executive and judiciary have effectively "accumulated in the same hands". Those "same hands" belong to the legal profession. As a result the "same hands" lawyer/judges now make the laws, interpret the laws and enforce the laws, thus defeating the spirit, intent and purpose of the Constitution. Such control by this or any other group, is unconstitutional because it violates both the separation of powers/checks and balances principles of the Constitution.__________________________________________________________________

On Facebook:

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear."

Marcus Tullius Cicero, 42 BC.

May 13, 2009

The Racket of Family Court Exposed

This interview with Alec Baldwin exposes how Family Courts are a Racket against parents for the purposes of profiteering by attorneys and judges who enable them.