April 25, 2013

The Battle Line For Freedom In Kentucky April 2013

A scathing report and complaint filed April 23, 2013 in New York state, might just as well have been filed in Kentucky. People in every state are experiencing it - an ever increasing power abusing mob.

This mob in Kentucky, rapidly degenerating, by way of invidious and protracted abuses of position and power against those who exercise protected 1st amendment rights has risen to clear and convincing criminal activity.

There are many in Kentucky going through it, moms and dads, and for the hundreds that have contacted and been interviewed these last 10 years, there are thousands suffering in silence having no voice to speak for them against it.

It's agenda driven. It targets traditional family models. (Click Here)  It conducts a secret second amendment disarmament scheme. 

Many have been trying to shed light these last 10 years on how A21 is being carried out through family courts. In order for this policy to succeed, war was and is still being waged upon "traditional marriage, family, and parents." Not only have mothers been targeted, as this one story highlights, here: http://educate-yourself.org/cn/stacylynnestory28sep12.shtml - but fathers have been a primary target all along

Trafficking in children for federal bonus money :

***It is essential to make the "contrary to the child's welfare" finding the first time the court considers the case... Failure to make this finding may result in permanent loss of foster care ***federal funding. http://defend-yourself-go-pro-se.blogspot.com/2013/04/ca-judges-bench-book-smoking-gun.html

I know - I found the HHS report in 2006 listing Kentucky as having placed runner up 2nd place to New York State in Receiving 1.7 million in BONUS money! http://www.nbcnews.com/id/13304867/ns/nbcnightlynews/t/increasing-adoptions-good-idea-gone-wrong/#.UZqmO8juXJY
But why would a state pressure welfare workers to force adoptions? One reason may be money. States can earn federal bonuses for keeping adoption numbers high, and in Kentucky workers can even get extra vacation.“It was illegal what was happening,” Moore says. “And nobody was doing anything. What they did every year is they set a quota based on the previous year's number of adoptions.”An NBC News computer analysis shows adoptions have risen dramatically nationwide — in Kentucky they've tripled in six years — while those federal bonuses have grown to more than $1 million.But the number of kids returned to their parents has dropped sharply.  States don't get bonuses for that.“If you receive money for doing one thing, and you receive nothing from doing the other, it's not much of a choice after a while,”  
Petition for Impeachment filed in January during the 2012 regular session,and because of the cover-up a federal lawsuit was filed due to deprivation of the 1st amendment right to petition and obtain process.

Beshear and Stumbo Can't Claim "Without Knowledge." 



Wes Collins has been a tea party activist since 2009 and lifelong Kentucky native. A father, farmer, and volunteer state coordinator of the Kentucky State Integrity Project focusing on Judicial Accountability and Ethics Enforcement. 
If you're someone who would like to provide a gift in support, or are an attorney who would like to assist with the investigation into 7 years of compounded judicial and professional misconduct, or to assist with the lawsuit filed, send an email with "accountable state government" in the subject line to: cwescollins@att.net 

April 02, 2013

The Hidden Tyranny of Family Courts

You don't see it but it is responsible for violating the rights of Kentucky's parents more than any other aspect of state government. It is raw abuse of power. There is little to no respect for rights. It operates in the shadows of a public media complicit and silent.

Many, when asked, will agree there are abuses of power, exploitation, and racketeering.

 There are federal financial kickbacks that encourage disregarding rights and taking arbitrary control over the lives of the parents and their children.  

People do not take well to having their lives completely taken over or their interactions with their children grossly interfered with. The Judges and Lawyers know this and in return they quickly seize upon it. They take control - completely - in the best interest of the children, they claim, but it is this gross intrusion into an otherwise private and personal matter that creates an instant animosity and contempt for those who abuse an otherwise limited power.

The risk of public corruption in Kentucky runs high even though it has corruption laws that are stronger than 3/5ths of the other states. Yet despite this, Kentucky still received a grad of C-. The catagories that caused this low score:  (1) Judicial Accountability, (2) Ethics Enforcment, and (3) redistricting http://weku.fm/post/public-corruption-risk-high-kentucky

Most Complaints filed with the Judicial Conduct Commission are made against Family Courts. Family judges only make up 11% of the total judges in the state, yet have the most complaints filed against them.(domestic relations/protective order/juvenile combined - 43%) and made by the parents (litigants - 60%) impacted by these gross abuses of power.  http://courts.ky.gov/commissionscommittees/JCC/Documents/Public_Information/JCFY20112012.pdf

Tea Party Groups and Libertarian Activists have been largely absent from confronting this aspect of big government. They mostly go the path of legislative change out and elections as one tiny approach to confronting big government. But it's not enough. Our state constitution provides more power than just voting.

These activist know in their heart that a government official does not have the right, authority, or power to arbitrarily take people hostage and literally enslave them under an assumed abuse of power. But that's exactly what is happening.

The judicial conduct commission is ineffective as an inside policing job. The people also have a stake in this. They have a constitutional duty to police the public official. 

Kentucky judges may be removed in one of two ways: 
  • After notice and hearing, the judicial conduct commission may admonish, reprimand, censure, suspend, retire, or remove a judge. The commission's decisions are subject to review by the supreme court.
  • Judges may be impeached by the house of representatives and convicted by a two-thirds vote of the senate.
Note: If you are someone who has experienced family court abuses of power - before you try to go the path of impeachment - you must file the conduct complaint first so that you are not prematurely denied for the reason you did not first file a complaint with the conduct commission.


Some insightful people ARE making others aware of additional duties and powers held by the people. You as the people are a super grand jury authorized by the Kentucky Constitution to hold these abusers of power accountable. Impeachment is your tool to charge and remove them with. When the people fear abusers of power, there is tyranny. When the abusers of power fear the power of the people - to properly and lawfully impeach them - there is Liberty.

The example of employing this tool as a right and duty of the people is found here & here
And the attempt by members of the general assembly to obstruct this right and duty is found here

And finally, because members of the Kentucky General Assembly willfully and intentionally obstructed this right and duty of the people during the regular session in 2011 and 2012,  your support is needed to prevent them to getting away with it by clicking here and read about the pending lawsuit, then contribute if able, 10, 20, 50 or any amount. Also, consider becoming a volunteer family court watcher. Training on how to do this can be provided.