April 25, 2013

The Battle Line For Freedom In Kentucky April 2013

A scathing report and complaint filed April 23, 2013 in New York state, might just as well have been filed in Kentucky. People in every state are experiencing it - an ever increasing power abusing mob.

This mob in Kentucky, rapidly degenerating, by way of invidious and protracted abuses of position and power against those who exercise protected 1st amendment rights has risen to clear and convincing criminal activity.

There are many in Kentucky going through it, moms and dads, and for the hundreds that have contacted and been interviewed these last 10 years, there are thousands suffering in silence having no voice to speak for them against it.

It's agenda driven. It targets traditional family models. (Click Here)  It conducts a secret second amendment disarmament scheme. 

Many have been trying to shed light these last 10 years on how A21 is being carried out through family courts. In order for this policy to succeed, war was and is still being waged upon "traditional marriage, family, and parents." Not only have mothers been targeted, as this one story highlights, here: http://educate-yourself.org/cn/stacylynnestory28sep12.shtml - but fathers have been a primary target all along

Trafficking in children for federal bonus money :

***It is essential to make the "contrary to the child's welfare" finding the first time the court considers the case... Failure to make this finding may result in permanent loss of foster care ***federal funding. http://defend-yourself-go-pro-se.blogspot.com/2013/04/ca-judges-bench-book-smoking-gun.html

I know - I found the HHS report in 2006 listing Kentucky as having placed runner up 2nd place to New York State in Receiving 1.7 million in BONUS money! http://www.nbcnews.com/id/13304867/ns/nbcnightlynews/t/increasing-adoptions-good-idea-gone-wrong/#.UZqmO8juXJY
But why would a state pressure welfare workers to force adoptions? One reason may be money. States can earn federal bonuses for keeping adoption numbers high, and in Kentucky workers can even get extra vacation.“It was illegal what was happening,” Moore says. “And nobody was doing anything. What they did every year is they set a quota based on the previous year's number of adoptions.”An NBC News computer analysis shows adoptions have risen dramatically nationwide — in Kentucky they've tripled in six years — while those federal bonuses have grown to more than $1 million.But the number of kids returned to their parents has dropped sharply.  States don't get bonuses for that.“If you receive money for doing one thing, and you receive nothing from doing the other, it's not much of a choice after a while,”  
Petition for Impeachment filed in January during the 2012 regular session,and because of the cover-up a federal lawsuit was filed due to deprivation of the 1st amendment right to petition and obtain process.

Beshear and Stumbo Can't Claim "Without Knowledge." 



Wes Collins has been a tea party activist since 2009 and lifelong Kentucky native. A father, farmer, and volunteer state coordinator of the Kentucky State Integrity Project focusing on Judicial Accountability and Ethics Enforcement. 
If you're someone who would like to provide a gift in support, or are an attorney who would like to assist with the investigation into 7 years of compounded judicial and professional misconduct, or to assist with the lawsuit filed, send an email with "accountable state government" in the subject line to: cwescollins@att.net 

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