May 08, 2013

Frankfort Must Restore Constitutional Sanity To Family Courts Now

Kentucky's Republicans should jump at the chance to quickly restore constitutional sanity to Kentucky's Corrupt Family Courts and shut down ongoing draconian policy and practices. Chances are, they probably will not when you learn that both republicans and democrats are bedfellows and in cohoots to exploit parents and their children for federal cash shown in the report "Kentucky's Family Law Corruption Problem"  

In the report "Agenda 21 Targets The Traditional Family and 2nd Amendment" a blueprint was shown along with the actors involved how family is targeted by radical leftist, statist ideology, and a sleeper cell gun grab scheme.

Moreover outrageuos, shown in the report "Beshear and Stumbo Sued for Deprivation of 1st Amendment Rights" how arrogant the culture of corruption has become in Kentucky when the political class thumbs it's nose at the fundamental right of the people to petition for a redress of their grievances.

Not surprising still, is the question of "Will Greg Stumbo Now Grandstand To Pass Travis' Law?" 
Arizona - Jodi Arias Found Guilty of Horrific First Degree Murder

It's also high time Kentucky's Presstitute Media show some public service integrity on this subject matter or forever be consigned as a collusive partner to the culture of corruption. 


Wes Collins is a tea party activist and lifelong Kentucky native. A father, farmer, and volunteer state coordinator of the Kentucky State Integrity Project focusing on Judicial Accountability and Ethics Enforcement. 

If you're someone who would like to provide a gift in support of this effort, or are an attorney who would like to assist with the lawsuit filed , send an email with "accountable state government" in the subject line to:  

May 05, 2013

Kentucky's Family Law Corruption Problem

No right is more intimately cherished or otherwise grossly violated than that of the bonds between parents and their children. For to long, people of both political parties, and political operatives who adhere to them, have been sticking their heads in the sand, remaining silent, or disingenuously try to change the subject very quickly. You know, and we know, who you are. 

Kentucky's politicians, legal professionals, family judges, and crony cottage industries know this is the game and have gotten use to the egregious policy and practice of  a collaborative conspiracy  that entails depriving parents of their children. While it is mostly dads, and some moms, it is driven by federal incentives. MONEY! 

FAMILY COURT - False domestic violence incentives
It might begin with a false domestic violence allegation, which is encouraged by the legal professionals, promoted by the "allegation organizations", and readily managed by the judges as such.

The more false DV allegations a court enters, the more grant money the states attorney generals office can apply for and obtain. More orders = more DOJ grant money. 

In any divorce or break up of a marriage or relationship with children, the policy and practice for dollars, that cares not for those most fundamental rights, begins. 

FAMILY COURT - The Child Support Incentives.

One parent get's put out of their child's life and  relegated to a 5-14%er. Some are completely shut out of their children's lives. This becomes court assisted parental alienation. Child support should mean being in your child's life, but for the collaborative conspirators involved, it means an order to PAY child support so they can obtain the federal kickbacks. 50/50 co-parenting doesn't pay the federal incentives for the state actors.

FAMILY COURT - Child Protective Services Incentives.

Right now there are over 6900 children in Kentucky's foster care system. That's up 100% since 2006.(Pg. 47) 

Want more proof - here it is straight from a "judicial benchbook"
***It is essential to make the "contrary to the child's welfare" finding the first time the court considers the case... Failure to make this finding may result in permanent loss of foster care ***federal funding.

FAMILY COURT - Adoption Incentives.  In 2006 Child Welfare supervisor Pat Moore blew the whistle on adoption quotas for federal bonus money, at that time there were approximately 3500 kids in Kentucky's foster care system. Kentucky had recieved 1.7 million dollars in adoption kickback bonuses from the federal government, placing 2nd in the contest between states that year with New York placing 1st. 

With near 7000 kids now in the foster care system in the present, it appears the "child snatchers" for federal kick back cash are not slowing down. According to the numbers they're just doing a better job of keeping it in the dark, and state media like the Lexington Herald Leader, and Courier-Journal are keeping it silent. 

By Lea Thompson Chief consumer correspondent NBC News updated 6/13/2006 
COVINGTON, Ky. — Almost 10 years ago, Congress passed a law that gives states bonuses if they can get children languishing in foster care adopted quickly.It sounds like a great idea, but now some child welfare experts say those bonuses have turned into nothing more than bounties that are putting some children at risk.When Kentucky Child Welfare Supervisor Pat Moore learned she went to her bosses.“They wanted me to shut up and get the adoptions completed. Period. No questions asked,” Moore says.The adoptions would have flown through, she says, if she hadn't blown the whistle.Tom Beiting was the court-appointed guardian.“It's outrageous,” he says. “I believe they were going for the  numbers — to get their numbers up.”
FAMILY COURT - Juvenile services incentives

This type of incentive driven corruption and conduct is going on in Kentucky.

The risk of public corruption in Kentucky runs high even though it has corruption laws that are stronger than 3/5ths of the other states. Yet despite this, Kentucky still received a grad of C-. The catagories that caused this low score:  (1) Judicial Accountability, (2) Ethics Enforcment, and (3) redistricting

Most Complaints filed with the Judicial Conduct Commission are made against Family Courts. Family judges only make up 11% of the total judges in the state, yet have the most complaints filed against them.(domestic relations/protective order/juvenile combined - 43%) and made by the parents (litigants - 60%) impacted by these gross abuses of power.

Wes Collins is a tea party activist and lifelong Kentucky native. A father, farmer, and volunteer state coordinator of the Kentucky State Integrity Project focusing on Judicial Accountability and Ethics Enforcement. 

If you're someone who would like to provide a gift in support of this effort, or are an attorney who would like to assist with the lawsuit filed , send an email with "accountable state government" in the subject line to:  

April 25, 2013

The Battle Line For Freedom In Kentucky April 2013

A scathing report and complaint filed April 23, 2013 in New York state, might just as well have been filed in Kentucky. People in every state are experiencing it - an ever increasing power abusing mob.

This mob in Kentucky, rapidly degenerating, by way of invidious and protracted abuses of position and power against those who exercise protected 1st amendment rights has risen to clear and convincing criminal activity.

There are many in Kentucky going through it, moms and dads, and for the hundreds that have contacted and been interviewed these last 10 years, there are thousands suffering in silence having no voice to speak for them against it.

It's agenda driven. It targets traditional family models. (Click Here)  It conducts a secret second amendment disarmament scheme. 

Many have been trying to shed light these last 10 years on how A21 is being carried out through family courts. In order for this policy to succeed, war was and is still being waged upon "traditional marriage, family, and parents." Not only have mothers been targeted, as this one story highlights, here: - but fathers have been a primary target all along

Trafficking in children for federal bonus money :

***It is essential to make the "contrary to the child's welfare" finding the first time the court considers the case... Failure to make this finding may result in permanent loss of foster care ***federal funding.

I know - I found the HHS report in 2006 listing Kentucky as having placed runner up 2nd place to New York State in Receiving 1.7 million in BONUS money!
But why would a state pressure welfare workers to force adoptions? One reason may be money. States can earn federal bonuses for keeping adoption numbers high, and in Kentucky workers can even get extra vacation.“It was illegal what was happening,” Moore says. “And nobody was doing anything. What they did every year is they set a quota based on the previous year's number of adoptions.”An NBC News computer analysis shows adoptions have risen dramatically nationwide — in Kentucky they've tripled in six years — while those federal bonuses have grown to more than $1 million.But the number of kids returned to their parents has dropped sharply.  States don't get bonuses for that.“If you receive money for doing one thing, and you receive nothing from doing the other, it's not much of a choice after a while,”  
Petition for Impeachment filed in January during the 2012 regular session,and because of the cover-up a federal lawsuit was filed due to deprivation of the 1st amendment right to petition and obtain process.

Beshear and Stumbo Can't Claim "Without Knowledge."


Wes Collins has been a tea party activist since 2009 and lifelong Kentucky native. A father, farmer, and volunteer state coordinator of the Kentucky State Integrity Project focusing on Judicial Accountability and Ethics Enforcement. 
If you're someone who would like to provide a gift in support, or are an attorney who would like to assist with the investigation into 7 years of compounded judicial and professional misconduct, or to assist with the lawsuit filed, send an email with "accountable state government" in the subject line to: 

April 02, 2013

The Hidden Tyranny of Family Courts

You don't see it but it is responsible for violating the rights of Kentucky's parents more than any other aspect of state government. It is raw abuse of power. There is little to no respect for rights. It operates in the shadows of a public media complicit and silent.

Many, when asked, will agree there are abuses of power, exploitation, and racketeering.

 There are federal financial kickbacks that encourage disregarding rights and taking arbitrary control over the lives of the parents and their children.  

People do not take well to having their lives completely taken over or their interactions with their children grossly interfered with. The Judges and Lawyers know this and in return they quickly seize upon it. They take control - completely - in the best interest of the children, they claim, but it is this gross intrusion into an otherwise private and personal matter that creates an instant animosity and contempt for those who abuse an otherwise limited power.

The risk of public corruption in Kentucky runs high even though it has corruption laws that are stronger than 3/5ths of the other states. Yet despite this, Kentucky still received a grad of C-. The catagories that caused this low score:  (1) Judicial Accountability, (2) Ethics Enforcment, and (3) redistricting

Most Complaints filed with the Judicial Conduct Commission are made against Family Courts. Family judges only make up 11% of the total judges in the state, yet have the most complaints filed against them.(domestic relations/protective order/juvenile combined - 43%) and made by the parents (litigants - 60%) impacted by these gross abuses of power.

Tea Party Groups and Libertarian Activists have been largely absent from confronting this aspect of big government. They mostly go the path of legislative change out and elections as one tiny approach to confronting big government. But it's not enough. Our state constitution provides more power than just voting.

These activist know in their heart that a government official does not have the right, authority, or power to arbitrarily take people hostage and literally enslave them under an assumed abuse of power. But that's exactly what is happening.

The judicial conduct commission is ineffective as an inside policing job. The people also have a stake in this. They have a constitutional duty to police the public official. 

Kentucky judges may be removed in one of two ways: 
  • After notice and hearing, the judicial conduct commission may admonish, reprimand, censure, suspend, retire, or remove a judge. The commission's decisions are subject to review by the supreme court.
  • Judges may be impeached by the house of representatives and convicted by a two-thirds vote of the senate.
Note: If you are someone who has experienced family court abuses of power - before you try to go the path of impeachment - you must file the conduct complaint first so that you are not prematurely denied for the reason you did not first file a complaint with the conduct commission.


Some insightful people ARE making others aware of additional duties and powers held by the people. You as the people are a super grand jury authorized by the Kentucky Constitution to hold these abusers of power accountable. Impeachment is your tool to charge and remove them with. When the people fear abusers of power, there is tyranny. When the abusers of power fear the power of the people - to properly and lawfully impeach them - there is Liberty.

The example of employing this tool as a right and duty of the people is found here & here
And the attempt by members of the general assembly to obstruct this right and duty is found here

And finally, because members of the Kentucky General Assembly willfully and intentionally obstructed this right and duty of the people during the regular session in 2011 and 2012,  your support is needed to prevent them to getting away with it by clicking here and read about the pending lawsuit, then contribute if able, 10, 20, 50 or any amount. Also, consider becoming a volunteer family court watcher. Training on how to do this can be provided.

March 05, 2013

Agenda 21 Targets The Traditional Family Unit and 2nd Amendment


Agenda 21 is a menace to Kentucky and humanity. Many have been trying to shed light these last 10 years on how A21 is being carried out through family courts. In order for this policy to succeed, war was and is still being waged upon "traditional marriage, family, and parents." Not only have mothers been targeted, as this one story highlights, here: - but fathers have been a primary target all along.

The risk of public corruption in Kentucky is high even though it has corruption laws that are stronger than 3/5ths of the other states. Yet despite this, Kentucky still received a grad of C-. The catagories that caused this score to be lower even with the strong corruption laws were (1) Judicial Accountability, (2) Ethics Enforcment, and (3) redistricting.

With Judicial Accountability scoring an F at rock bottom, it's easy to see how A21 has it's crosshairs on the traditional family unit. Family Court is where A21 is hard at work.

Most Complaints filed with the Judicial Conduct Commission are made against Family Courts. Family judges only make up 11% of the total judges in the state, yet have the most complaints filed against them.(domestic relations/protective order/juvenile combined - 43%) and made by the parents (litigants - 60%) impacted by A21's assault on the traditional family unit.


The primary means of spreading Radical feminist ideology around the world is through the U.N.’s NGOs.

Because everyone knows TRADITIONAL FAMILIES are nothing more than abuse, torture, murder and enslavement of women!

The Feminists that played a pivotal role in implementing their misandrist, patriarchy-destroying (i.e. family destroying) policies here in the West, are trying to do the same thing to the rest of the world through the U.N

Commission on Population and Development - The annual meeting of the CPD is consistently a battleground upon which radical feminists and their U.N. allies fight conservative and pro-family advocates


The propaganda repeats each year in the legislature with more laws introduced in order to continue to propagate " the UN Agenda 21 Anti-Family policies through the myths and lies that all men are abusers and all women are victims"  over and over through new bills with the same theme every year." Sen. Whitney Westerfield passes HB 9 out of Senate Judiciary Committee.

2010 Testimony in opposition to the attempt to expand the policy GPS tracking in Family Court.:

In the background of the video above is Greg Stumbo's wife, and Darlene Thomas director of the (UN) bluegrass dometic violence program.(propaganda organization) they became very concerned about my testimony and after a short while Thomas began sending out text warnings to other radical feminist agents. This is what a radical feminist UN A21 agent looks like. Darlene Thomas --------->


Five days out of seven, domestic violence advocate Charlsie Banks says she gets word of a middle or high school student who is in an abusive dating relationship.

"It's everywhere and there's not a lot being done to combat it," said Banks, the director of a Renfro Valley-based regional domestic violence program.
It's not unusual for Kentucky teens to be hit, slapped, shoved or sexually assaulted by their boyfriends or girlfriends, advocates say.

Under House Bill 98, introduced in the General Assembly by State Rep. Joni Jenkins and assigned to the House Education Committee, incidents of dating violence between students ages 13 to 19 in Kentucky schools would have to be reported to the state Department of Education by school staff and included in a statewide data collection system.


The "stand with the sheriff" hype that's going around, to protect 2A rights from fed take away, is hypocrisy, when they are aiding the family courts to do it under that A21 disarmament scheme.

The purpose in carrying out the agenda 21 domestic petition/orders used by family court is (1) often banish the father out of his childrens life, and how they are (2) an assault on the 2nd Amendment to the tune of 12,000 people a year stripped by the arbitrary stroke of the judges pen, no crime, charge, or jury, 90% of the time based upon false allegations.

In jefferson County, They make the person, mostly a man, turn in any guns upon the entry of one of these DV orders. Again, most are false allegations with no evidence of an actual crime. No charge, no jury, stroke of a pen, 2A rights gone

This is done by state family courts doing the bidding of the federal government. Upon the domestic forms it is printed at the bottom that you will be in violation of federal law 18 U.S.C. § 921 (g)(8) if you possess a firearm after one of these orders are entered against you.

18 U.S.C. § 922(g) states:
It shall be unlawful for any person–

(8) who is subject to a court order that–
(A) was issued after a hearing of which such person

received actual notice, and at which such person had an opportunity to
(B) restrains such person from harassing, stalking, or
threatening an intimate partner of such person or child of such
intimate partner or person, or engaging in other conduct that would
place an intimate partner in reasonable fear of bodily injury to the
intimate partner or child; and
(C) by its terms explicitly prohibits the use, or attempted
use, or threatened use of physical force against such intimate partner
or child that would reasonably be expected to cause bodily injury; or
(9) who has been convicted in any court of a misdemeanor
crime of domestic violence

to ship or transport in interstate or foreign commerce, or possess in or
affecting commerce, any firearm or ammunition; or to receive any
firearm or ammunition which has been shipped or transported in
interstate or foreign commerce.
Some states have actual misdemeanor charges, but not in Kentucky, it's a CIVIL injunction. You lose 2A rights upon a civil injunction. no crime, charge, or jury verdict - just the stroke of a judges pen - 90% of the time based upon false allegations! This is the scheme.

This next story illustrates. Please keep in Mind they always only highlight the few stories of women, and always leave out the stories of men killed, by women, because thats what leftists do. They hype a biased report to acheive the political goal, in this case disarmament.
"Although a federal law now prohibits domestic violence offenders from possessing a firearm, only one county in Kentucky routinely makes them turn over their guns. In Jefferson County, those offenders have 24 hours after their court hearing to turn in their guns to the Sheriff's Department.

"It's an automatic process," said Chris Hancock, the operations commander for the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department, which now has a vault with 4,700 firearms of every kind. "I most certainly think it saves lives."
Read more here:

 "violent offenders" in the above Nunn case title is hyped up spin. 90% of the claims are false allegations with no evidence of anything. No penalties are imposed for perjury.

DVO's in KY are not convictions, but the media and radical feminists agents of the UN A21 spin them as such, when in fact they are only civil injunctions. They are A21 disarmament schemes.

They are still using that poor mother to push their agenda.

If you care about stopping this radical leftist agenda being carried out through Kentucky's Family Courts, and aid of members of the Kentucky Bar Association, educate yourself to this, then get together with various groups who know and understand the problem, and demand your legislature put a stop to this radical agenda that is waging war on families. Abolish the Domestic Violence Petitions. Seek to hold accountable family judges who carry out these practices by impeaching them.  

For more information, send an email to