August 21, 2006

Courts and Health Cabinet Make Big Business Of Families

August 17 2006

Getting Out The Message of a Miscarriage of Justice

Many may complain about the injustice done to them by our civil courts and family service agencies, few do anything about it. Today many Fathers, and mothers, are speaking up and becoming active in awareness campaigns to give "public notice" to a growing problem that is victimizing innocent parents and children. Wes Collins was at the state Capitol today - doing something about it.

It is a system fueled by greed, lacking in accountability, and wrought with abuses of power. The Officials (delegated authority by you and me) Claim to act in the best interests of children, when the truth is that they only act in the best interest of themselves and those who are patrons surrounding their complex. It is the Family Court Divorce and Cabinet for Health and Family Services Industrial Megaplex.

A Massive Beauracracy made up of All the judges, Lawyers, CHFS Secretaries, Commissioners, Service Region Directors, Social Services Supervisors and Workers, it also includes a vast patronage of, so called, mental health officials, parent exploitation centers, domestic violence treatment centers (for all the evil bad men).
even patrons you wouldn't dream of who hover around this "complex" - Real estate investors. Friends of friends who help other friends with your hard earned dollars, homes, and children.

They have seized a level of power beyond the boundaries of being reasonable, and outside the scope of delegated constitutional authority. They can take control of anyones life - within a civil process - exploit you, unlawfully deprive you of your child, steal your child, and even sell it off on the adoption market. They have made it very profitable for (them), the insiders, to violate your rights, steal your home and your children. They can do this because they have the power to cover up the fraud, abuse of power, and unlawful enrichment schemes. There is no one to hold them accountable until now.

In 2004 Fayette Family Court Judge Joann Wise allowed and participated in a fraud upon the court (case). By doing nothing when the facts were brought back to her regarding the extrinsic fraud committed by his former spouse, Wise engaged in assisting the fraud which cause the loss of home and property.. False Domestic violence claims were used to sabotage amicable negotiations and settlement of issues. Those being - The equal care and custody of their 2 children, and the equitable division of marital property.

The parties had an agreed order entered into record on August 19th 2003 of equal timesharing with Jacob, who was cared for in the majority, all of 2003 by Dad. That Order was arbitrarily modified by Judge Wise in this hearing, without finding the agreement unconscionable, it was done under cover of the "false allegations" hearing, and set to "the every other weekend thing". This would be the only hearing before the final decree was entered, and the beginning of a long struggle with the Court of appeals and Supreme Court.

The DV Hyperfocus of the Court was intentional, as the acts of property fraud were being swept under the Judicial Rug, in violation of the judicial duties to follow the statutory requirements in a divorce action. The Court allowed the property fraud to happen, and Wes was unable to stop his former spouse from intentionally forcing a default on the mortgage.  The Judge made no effort to determine the "marital status" of the parties as required by statute. But she knew I was the stay at home spouse financially dependant to my former wifes primary income, by agreement between the husband and wife, and I was powerless to stop the forced default of the mortgage on the home. Only the Judge could and she chose to join into the fraud, aiding and abetting it.

Wes took action to the Court of appeals against the judge by a Writ of Prohibition to expose the fraud and misconduct. Attorney Brown and Judge Wise were working to obstruct an Appeal of the final Decree, by other acts of malpractice and misconduct. The Court of Appeals chose to "turn a blind eye" to the misconduct and malpractice.


The Awareness Campaign was in furtherance of several previous attempts to petition the SC to grant relief from fraud upon the court. March 10, 2004 timesharing with Jacob was completely suspended by false and frivilous Motion to the court two weeks after the final Decree by Attorney Adele Burt Brown. Again Wes had done no wrongdoing, in fact was acting to protect his Son from hostilities of his former Spouses "new boyfriend who was making threatening comments in the background of the phone call discussing the return of Jacob.

I set up around 1:30 pm outside of the east entrance where the judges and court staff go in and out. Several people stopped and became informed, many suits and ties passed by, but the only person to make a contribution to the "Justice for Jacob" donation container was a Drywall finisher who was working at the capitol. The suits and ties never offered anything in support. About 2:30 I went into the Capitol and stopped by the Office of the Attorney General where I have lodged a complaint against  Wise and Brown.  I informed him that Impeachment was an option for me if all else fails. He eventually became backed into a corner, and got upset when I said "so basically you are saying the AG does not protect the rights of private citizens from Government abuses in violations of law. He said "I didn't say that, you did."

At 4:30 (time for the court staff and justices to leave) two Capitol Police came up and asked if I had a permit, of which I stated the first amendment of the Constitution does not require a permit. They were polite, and offered a suggestion of another location in which they stated was a "better" free speech zone, over in a location where no judges conscience would have to be stirred by "witnessing the event". When I mentioned the 1st amendment right, the officers became very kind and even shared their stories of "going through the process of a divorce", agreeing by nods that the "lawyers" were a big part of the problem. I agreed to call it a day. The State police officers shook my hand and smiled. I packed up the displays and came on home.


More and more people are joining in this fight against corruption in family courts and the cabinet and if you know someone who would want to be a part of this patriotic cause against tyranny,  you can personally contact Wes at: or

Other reading:

Britain Scraps Child Support Agency While Republicans Remain Sedimentary
by David R. UsherPosted Aug 08, 2006
Last week, British ministers announced their intent to demolish the national Child Support Agency (CSA). They have realized it is an overbearing, expensive failure hurting marriage, driving divorce, and placing the government in the middle of never-ending power-squabbles over money and children. They plan to return responsibility to parents who (for the most part) will be expected work out their own support and parenting arrangements.

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