We see revealed upon the Ky Bar website Item (C.)
...what the "best interest" is. $
There are violations of law occuring under an unlawful enrichment scam.
To sow chaos and division into cases, encourage false domestic violence filings as tactics, and work it all out with the local elected bar member posing as a judge, in participation to force unneeded or unwanted services upon Families ensuring a nice cash flow for all involved.
Considering your tabs is running at 150.00 to 250.00 an hour. Most people are quickly devoured into the process. pillaged, looted, sometimes defrauded. The Play upon guilt, the myth of the "dead beat dad", to create pay slaves out of parents (mostly dads) to the state sponsored child support servitude and debtors prison racket. R.I.C.O
Family Law Section
A. To provide a forum for an exchange of ideas
concerning family law issues in Kentucky;
B. To keep the family law
practitioners of Kentucky informed about relevant legal and social issues that
may affect their practice;
C. To promote the best interests of the Kentucky
Bar Association and of the "family law practitioners" of Kentucky